Last updated 2023-05-01 05:28:09

Export CSV In Javascript

The snippet below allows you to export your provided data as CSV from your Javascript frontend:

01: <script> 02: const link = document.createElement('a'); 03: link.download = `./export_name.csv`; 04: const blob = new Blob( 05: ['id; name; email;', 06: '\n', 07: '1; John Doe; john.doe@acme.com', 08: '\n', 09: '2; Jane Doe; jane.doe@acme.com' 10: ], { 11: type: 'data:text/csv;charset=utf-8,' 12: }); 13: link.href = URL.createObjectURL(blob); 14: link.click(); 15: URL.revokeObjectURL(link.href); 16: </script>

The data is provided as an array on line 4 and then converted to a blob.

An A tag is used to trigger the data export which is created on line 2 and triggered on line 14.

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