Last updated 2023-05-18 15:04:06

Find OnlyFans Profiles

If you found this write up by chance you probably think the only people viewing OnlyFans [↗] profiles are users of the app. Thats where you are wrong. OnlyFans is a business venture and its creators are also the target of other businesses.

In this write up I will walk you through on how to find OnlyFans profiles and their contact details through scraping. Although this method is unconventional I try to limit the tech knowledge one needs to execute it.

By continuing with this walkthrough you agree to respect the terms and conditions of https://onlyfinder.com.


  1. Open up https://onlyfinder.com [↗] in your browser.
  2. Open the developer tool tab
  3. Be sure to be within the console tab
  4. copy the code below
  5. Paste this into the console tab of the developer tools window
  6. Increase the number found in the first part of the code to fetch more records, thus const numberOfScrolls = 2;
  7. Hit enter to run the code
  8. Once its done the results will show up in a tabular form. Tech education for non-software engineers
01: // =================================== 02: const numberOfScrolls = 2; 03: // =================================== 04: 05: function findATag(DOMObj) { 06: var numberOfElements = DOMObj.length; 07: for (var k = 0; k < numberOfElements; k++) { 08: if (DOMObj[k].tagName == 'A') { 09: return DOMObj[k]; 10: } 11: } 12: return { href: undefined }; 13: 14: } 15: 16: function getSocials(DOMObj) { 17: const mouseoverEvent = new Event('mouseover'); 18: var socialLinks = []; 19: var numberOfElements = DOMObj.length; 20: for (var k = 0; k < numberOfElements; k++) { 21: if (DOMObj[k].className.includes('profile-social')) { 22: var socialDOM = DOMObj[k].children; 23: console.log(socialDOM); 24: var SDlength = socialDOM.length; 25: for (var l = 0; l < SDlength; l++) { 26: socialDOM[l].dispatchEvent(mouseoverEvent); 27: socialLinks.push(socialDOM[l].href); 28: } 29: } 30: } 31: return socialLinks; 32: } 33: 34: function scrollDown() { 35: setTimeout( 36: function () { 37: window.scrollTo(0, document.body.scrollHeight); 38: if (count !== numberOfScrolls) { 39: count++; 40: scrollDown(); 41: console.log("script is scrolling"); 42: } else { 43: var results = document.getElementsByClassName('result-container'); 44: size = results.length; 45: var output = []; 46: for (var i = 0; i < size; i++) { 47: console.log("fetching results..."); 48: var accountURL = findATag(results[i].children).href; 49: if (accountURL) { 50: var socials = getSocials(results[i].children); 51: output.push({'onlyFans URL':accountURL, 'socials': JSON.stringify(socials)}); 52: } 53: } 54: console.table(output); 55: 56: } 57: 58: }, 2000 59: ) 60: } 61: 62: var count = 0; 63: scrollDown()