Published 3 months ago

Package: String Does Not Match The Pattern... |NPM|package.json|Warning

This is the warning you get from NPM whenever the name you set in your package.json doesn't follow the laid-out conventions [β†—]. You can still go ahead and name your package whatever you like, but I imagine following the convention ensures you don't run into unforeseen issues.

The Naming convention:

Please note the rules below might change in the future, but at the time of writing if the regex in the warning matches "^(?:(?:@(?:[a-z0-9-*~][a-z0-9-*._~]*)?/[a-z0-9-._~])|[a-z0-9-~])[a-z0-9-._~]*$" then following the conventions below should work for you.

  1. Basic naming rules:

    • A package name should be in lowercase.
    • It can contain alphanumeric characters (a-z, 0-9), dashes (-), periods (.), and underscores (_).
    • Names cannot start with special characters (like @, -, or _) unless it’s a scoped package. Valid examples: my-package, package123, another.package_name
  2. Scoped Packages:

    • When using a scoped package (like @scope/package-name), the scope should also follow the lowercase rule.
    • Scoped packages must start with an @ symbol, followed by lowercase letters, numbers, dashes, or underscores. Valid examples: @scope/package-name, @my-org/my_package

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