Last updated 2023-05-09 14:38:23

What Is Deep Linking?

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The general term links is used interchangeably with URLs to refer to the piece of string you type into the search bar of a browser to land on a website.

A deep link in this case is a URL that points to a particular web page of a website.

Use Cases and Examples

Say you wanted to visit my About page:

Another example of deep linking is when you open up a link within an email on mobile. A browser-like window opens up and you are taken to a specific page.

Another example on mobile is when you click on a link to download an app and it takes you to the app on the app store.

A good use of deep linking is when website owners append parameters to URLs to create a tailored experience. For example, when you click on a referral link from one site and land on the other site and you see the promo code is already applied.


Deep links are perfect for call-to-actions. The user is taken to a specific page without them having to further navigate to complete an anticipated action.

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