Last updated 2023-08-31 07:56:41

Get The Metadata Header From A Markdown File Using PHP

In this short write-up I have put together PHP code that reads a markdown file, extracts its YAML-based meta header, allows you to modify it then updates the original markdown file with the changes.


01: --- 02: title: 'Original title' 03: description: 'Some description' 04: --- 05: 06: # heading 07: 08: content goes here


01: <?php 02: 03: use Symfony\Component\Yaml; 04: 05: $markdownFilePath = 'content/sample.md'; 06: $markdownContent = file_get_contents($markdownFilePath); 07: 08: $headerRegex = '/^---([\s\S]*?)---/'; 09: preg_match($headerRegex, $markdownContent, $matches); 10: $content = str_replace($matches[0], '', $markdownContent); 11: 12: try { 13: $header = Yaml::parse($matches[1]); 14: $header['title'] = 'Changed title'; 15: $updatedHeader = Yaml::dump($header); 16: $updatedMarkdownContent = "---\n".$updatedHeader."---".$content; 17: $markdownContent = file_put_contents($markdownFilePath, $updatedMarkdownContent); 18: } catch (Exception $e) { 19: var_dump($e); 20: die; 21: } 22:


  • Line 03: The Symfony Yaml Component [↗] is used to convert the header to an array, so you can access the header attributes. You will need to autoload [↗] the package or use the include statement to pull it in.
  • Line 05 - 06: The markdown file content is fetched so we can process it.
  • Line 08 - 10: The regex statement is used to extract the header from the content section. The content is then saved to the $content variable.
  • Line 13 - 16: In this code sample we replaced the existing tile with 'Changed title', then wrote the changes back to the markdown file.

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