Eddymens (List page)

Last updated 2023-06-06 08:38:04

What Is A Query Parameter?

A query parameter is the part of a URL that carries information and relays it back to the server . URLs can relay information using different formats. The query parameter structure is one of them...

Last updated 2023-06-06 08:24:04

What Is Routing?

A Web router is part of a web system that is responsible for mapping URLs to content or pages. Routing is the process of doing so. Most ...

Last updated 2023-06-06 07:42:17

What Is URL Mapping?

URL mapping is the process of mapping URLs to web pages. Generally, URL mapping is done automatically by a CMS or content system. However, for ...

Last updated 2023-05-31 02:42:21

What Is A Bearer Token?

A bearer token is an Access Token passed to a server using the HTTP Authorization header. This cryptographic string can be generated based on a special algorithm or generated randomly. It's used p...

Last updated 2023-05-31 02:41:26

How To Make A Markdown Link Open In Another Tab

Sometimes it's important not to break a reader's flow by redirecting them away from your markdown document when they click on a link. In this case, such links should open up in a different tab in their browser, unfortunately, the ...

Last updated 2023-05-27 08:48:08

Matching Markdown And HTML Headings Using Regex | PHP

There are about three different heading syntaxes in Markdown. Two of which allow a heading level of up to about 6. The PHP script below matches all the different types of headings in Markdown Also, the script ignores the maximum level of 6 and will match as long as the pattern follows the ...