Published 3 years ago

I Leant Something New Trying To Build A Github Profile Analytics Tool

So last night an interesting idea popped into my head, a simple solution to help you track who visited your GitHub profile. I began thinking of an approach and finally settled on pixel tracking ....

Published 3 years ago

No Time To Learn A Static Site Generator? Try This

Traditionally we built sites supported by a backend that takes data and spreads it onto an HTML template. Backends also took care of the differences between rendered pages. This setup is what we refer to as a dynamically rendered site. For many sites, this approach meant each time...

Published 3 years ago

Trimming The Fat Off Bootstrap 4

Bootstrap is a very useful CSS framework in the sense that it makes designing a website easy by providing a lot out of the box. It provides a lot from typography to Modal. Applying a style to your HTML is simply done by adding a bootstrap class to the element in question. ...

Published 4 years ago

Getting Your Windows Files And Folders To Behave As On Linux

I will make this brief. If you write software on a Windows machine but usually deploy on a Linux server you probably have encountered the problem of your software breaking due to the difference in the way both OSs handle file names and the issue with referencing the wrong case of t...

Published 4 years ago

Laravel File Driven Cache On Steroids

As of Laravel 7, there are 6 available cache drivers, with APC giving the best results and the file driver being the only one that requires no extra setup. I was speaking to a friend last night, who mentioned they used Redis as their cache driver. At this point, I have a project th...

Published 4 years ago

Be Careful With HTML ID Attributes

HTML is made up of elements which help define the structure of a web page, Elements of the same type possess the same behavior across a web page. One way to make an element behave differently is by adding properties to them. One of the ways to add a property to an HTML element is using t...