Eddymens (List page)

Last updated 2023-01-26 09:49:54

How To Find Differences Between Webpages

Let's say you made some internal improvements to your website, it could be an improvement to loading speed. Such a change should not change the look of your website. Sometimes changes we make impact unrelated parts of our website without us knowing, eg: a font is no longer applied to the t...

Last updated 2023-01-20 06:25:51

Linux & MacOS: Counting Files In A Directory

You can count the number of files in a directory with the wc command . wc outputs the total number of newlines, bytes, and words. To count the number of files and fold...

Last updated 2023-01-18 12:01:45

How To Install Different Versions Of NodeJS

There are many reasons why you might need a different version of NodeJS. For instance, running an app that relies on an older version of NodeJS. NVM is a NodeJS version manag...

Last updated 2023-01-16 05:25:31

How To Uninstall A Global Npm Package

Uninstalling a globally installed NPM package is similar to the command for installing one: Here we use instead of ....

Last updated 2023-01-14 15:10:18

What Is Policy As Code (POC)?

Policy as code is the idea of automating the compliance of a software environment using software instead of a staff member or team. Depending on the software system under discussion, you might need to comply with different policies. For example, some financial systems need to be ...

Last updated 2022-11-25 04:52:44

Repeat Words X Times |PHP

Repeating a given string several times is something you rarely have to do as a developer, however, sometimes you need to repeat white spaces to pad some text to keep spacing even across a list. You can use either a loop or the built-in PHP function to perform this action. The function ta...