Eddymens (List page)

Last updated 2023-03-20 05:22:27

Simple OpenAPI Starter Template

If you ever tried modifying the default "Pet Store" API spec that comes with editor.swagger.io you will notice it has a lot of bells and whistles you likely don't need and it takes a bit of ti...

Last updated 2023-03-16 00:21:49

Mark An Open API Spec Endpoint As Deprecated

Place the key-value pair anywhere within the endpoint indented block to mark it as deprecated. Here is an example ...

Last updated 2023-03-05 10:33:04

How To Convert An OpenAPI Specification Into A NodeJS SDK

The OpenAPI Specification provides developers and technical writers with a way to document APIs. Unlike traditional text-based documentation, the formal nature of the spec allows detail...

Last updated 2023-02-11 06:55:47

What Is An Asynchronous (Async) API?

The most popular form of API is the synchronous API. This type of API typically relies on the HTTP protocol which is a unidirectional communication channel....

Last updated 2022-10-22 09:46:58

The Difference Between A JWT And A Bearer Token

Online systems usually give different levels of access to different groups of people. To get access to the system, a user has to provide special information. E.g. Username/password combo. This is information that only they possess. Once a user gains access to a system, most systems return...

Last updated 2022-05-09 06:43:49

OpenAPI Specifications: How To Make Them

The OpenAPI Specification is a specification that describes a well-laid-out approach to defining the structure of a RESTful API. There are many ways you can describe the APIs you create. The OpenAPI specification makes it easy by defining a set of rules and providing guidelines that ...