Eddymens (List page)

Last updated 2022-06-25 06:29:11

Markdown Hacks For Technical Writers

The beauty of markdown lies in its simple yet powerful syntax. This simplicity comes at a cost though. It lacks some useful formatting features. Most of these shortcomings can be easily fixed with HTML, that is because markdown is considered a subset of HTML. This means we can write pure ...

Last updated 2022-04-24 08:14:54

5 Terms To Know As A Technical Writer [part 3]

In a browser, typing a URL and pressing enter leads you to a webpage. In some cases, the URL needs to be modified with unique information from the user to get a specific response. Consider a website that shows a list of movies, for example. Let's say the URL for this website is . There w...

Last updated 2022-04-16 11:06:05

Curl For Technical Writers

Curl is a command-line tool for making network requests to servers. It can be found on most UNIX-based systems ie: Linux and Mac OS. It can also be set up on Windows with a little bit of e...

Last updated 2022-04-07 11:06:05

5 Terms To Know As A Technical Writer [part 2]

An API client is a tool used to test APIs. Software developers usually write client-side code to make API calls to a server, however, during the development of such systems, it's a lot more convenient to test those APIs using an API client instead of writing client code. API clients allow...