Eddymens (List page)

Last updated 2022-11-05 03:50:45

What Is Model View Controller Mvc?

MVC is an abbreviation for Model View Controller, a way to structure your codebase such that everything regarding what end-users sees (View), everything regarding data (Model), a...

Last updated 2022-11-05 03:50:45

What Is Monkey Patching?

Monkey patching involves overriding the default functionality of code with another during execution ie: (runtime ). ...

Last updated 2022-11-05 03:50:45

What Is Open Source?

Open source is a term used to describe software that is not only available for free use but also its source code is made public. This means anyone can modify it further for their use but more importantly contribute to help improve this piece of software. This was the original intent of op...

Last updated 2022-11-05 03:50:45

What Is Outsourcing?

Software outsourcing is an arrangement where a company partners with a third-party company to develop software rather than relying on their in-house team. Companies are increasingly looking toward software outsourcing to access top talent, greater flexibility, fast turnaround times, and ...

Last updated 2022-11-05 03:50:45

What Is Semantic?

Semantics unlink syntax concerns itself with the intended meaning of any written code. So even if a piece of code is correct in terms of syntax (grammar) it might not lead to the intended outcome. At th...

Last updated 2022-11-05 03:50:45

What Is Session Storage?

Session storage is a web storage type that can store data (key-value pairs ) in the browser. It will hold the data until the tab or browser is closed. Once the browser or tab is closed, the stored data ...