Eddymens (List page)

Last updated 2024-02-17 07:52:28

What Is Prerendering?

Whenever you request a webpage you will get one of two things: a. Everything you need to render the page b Some markup structure and Javascript to loa...

Last updated 2024-02-17 07:15:41

What Is A Single Page Application (SPA)?

SPA or Single Page Application is a web application implemented in a way it gives the end-user an experience similar to using an installed app. Thus page transitions happen swiftly without the page reloading. SPAs start by loading up the initial page made up of HTML, CSS, Javascript then r...

Last updated 2024-02-17 06:57:48

What Is Iteration In Programming ?

Last updated 2024-02-17 06:27:51

What Is A Public Beta?

A public beta is a software release cycle where a new version of completely new software is released to the public with a disclaimer pointing out it might not be completely stable. If this is a new version of an existing software, the existing software will most times be left up and rem...

Last updated 2024-02-10 07:01:35

What Is A Feature Request?

A feature request is a feature a user would like to see in a product. It's up to the creators of the product to sort through these requests and decide which ones to implement. Most creators these days will typically release the most basic form of their product known as an ...

Last updated 2024-02-10 07:01:35

What Is A Request For Comments | RFC?

The term Request For Comment (RFC) is an open document outlining proposals from several experts, stakeholders, and/or engineers to create or modify existing technologies and standards. This method was and still is largely used by ...